Friday, January 18, 2008

Finally Friday...

What a week...glad its coming to a close. Ok, when I was on Chantix before, I only took it for 6 weeks so I have a couple weeks left on one pack, and I just stopped at the pharmacy and they are giving me my last, just like the others. I thought maybe I would have to pay for it since my company discontinued the offer at the end of 2007. So, at least I'm not going to have to pay anything out of pocket for the meds...that's good.

I have a real good buddy at work...J....and her husband has been using Chantix too. He's about 4 weeks ahead of me and he too has had a slip. We've both picked Monday as our quit date and we've both started taking it again. He's got a lot more at risk as he has the beginnings of J really wants him to quit for good. J has a hard time understanding the addiction since she's never smoked.

Saw the grandbabies last night. We're keeping them overnight tonight and all day tomorrow. Its going to be so cold around here that we're just going to hunker down and build a fire to stay warm. My husband will just have to freeze his butt off if he wants to smoke!

I had 3 yesterday....down 1 from the day before. Its a process, what can I say. We all have to do it the best way that works for us. I'm hoping to cut another one out today. My knees are doing better so I'm getting back on the treadmill today. I miss the exercise and know that's part of my slip.